How to Buy Land that’s not Advertised for Sale
Specific steps to buying land that’s not advertised for sale
Some of these steps are similar to the steps to buying tax deed lands, however these lands are not up for auction at the tax deed sale. Thus, you don’t have to competitively bid for the property. Using this technique is fun and profitable if applied correctly.
Once you know how to search for land in Florida, using the property appraiser’s website, you can offer to buy land from owners who no longer want it. How? Follow the steps below.
1) Pick a state and county
Look at the Florida counties map and pick a county. Find the state name and county name and search, using or for “(state) (county) property appraiser website”. Visit the “(state) (county) property appraiser website”. Bookmark this site.
Search for “(state) (county) tax clerk website”. Visit the corresponding tax clerk’s office website and bookmark it. Look over the land that is available at the next tax deed sale. Get the parcel identification numbers for the lands that interest you.
2) Visit the property appraiser for that county.
Search for that land using the parcel ID number. Hit the “GIS Map” option button. You’ll see an aerial view of the lot, along with adjacent (neighboring) lots. To find out information about the neighboring lots, including who owns the lot, along with adjacent (neighboring) lots. To find out information about the neighboring lots, including who owns
them, how much they paid, and when the last sale was, click on the neighboring lot.
3) Look for property owners of neighboring lots.
Find their contact information. Write down their contact information.
4) Go to:
Type in their contact information and search for their telephone number. There are a number of other websites where, using the first and last name of someone, you can find their phone number. Search and for “reverse phone number look up using name” or a combination of these words, to find the website that’s best for you.
Call them. Ask them if they would like to sell their land and offer them a price that’s fair to both of you. If you feel shy about calling, write them a letter. Enclose your contact information or a self-addressed stamped envelope so they can reply with little hassle.
5) If they say no:
Ask them: Would you like me to call back in two months, maybe you’d be interested then? If they say no, tell them that if they change their mind or need money for an emergency, they have your contact information.
6) If they say yes:
Tell them you’ll be sending them a Warranty Deed along with instructions for filling it out, and a copy of a check for $250 dollars or less that’s being held in escrow by a local title company to be used as a downpayment for this property. Once you receive the Warranty Deed, you can send them the balance.
If they want the entire amount, agree to leave the entire amount to be held in escrow by a title company and you’ll send them verification of that. If they do not want to use a title company or another escrow service, tell them that you cannot close on the property.
A title company is necessary as an intermediary between buyer and seller in order to guarantee that both parties are happy with the arrangement. Using an escrow agency protects both the buyer and the seller.
7) Once you receive the Warranty Deed
Make a copy for yourself, and send the original to the county clerk or court for recording purposes.
Along with the original warranty deed, include:
1) the recording fee for the first page and additional pages

Usually, the recording fee for the first page is $10, and the recording fee for each additional page is $8.50, but this varies according to the county, so visit the county website first and give them a call to verify the exact price. The recording fee needs to be paid with a cashier’s check. Make the check out to: Clerk of Court. Please verify this first by calling the county where the land is located.
2) Mail the deed, the forms, and a self-addressed stamped envelope
Send the original warranty deed, the DR-219 form, and enclose a self- addressed stamped envelope so they can mail the warranty deed back to you once they’ve recorded it.
Okay, you’ve purchased some land at a bargain price. You want to sell it, but don’t want to spend 5% – 10% in realtor fees. The next chapter discusses some online resources for selling your land via the internet. Every year, people spend millions of dollars buying things on the internet. Familiarize yourself with these sites, start using them to sell your land, and some of that money can be yours.
Search for additional websites that connect you with eager buyers.
Make a list of them, reviewing them on cost, the number of viewers reached, the number of sales made, and so forth.
8) Search online for “how to find cheap land”
Search and and for “how to find land that’s not advertised for sale” and “how to find cheap land” and “how to find cheap land that’s not for sale” and “how to find cheap properties that’s not for sale” and “how to find (houses) (land) (mobile homes) that are not for sale” and “how to find cheap land in the U.S.”.
Take action.
Action eliminates fear.
Carrie Snyder
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Get the shortcuts that will show you, step-by-step, how to find, buy, and flip bargain properties–land, houses, mobile homes–anywhere in the U.S.A. Click the links below to find out more!
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Curious to learn more about Real Estate investing for fun and profit? Discover the simple, powerful, effective strategies you can put into motion to find, buy, and flip properties—land, houses, mobile homes—for fun and profit in Florida or anywhere else in the U.S. I’ve written a few ebooks about this topic and I think you’ll find them highly entertaining and informative, too. Click the links below to find out more:
Ebook Bundle for RE Investors + 2 Entries for your Chance to Win a Florida Camping Lot
Grab This Amazing Special Offer: Ebook Bundle for RE Investors + 2 Entries for your Chance to Win a Florida Camping Lot. Click the link below to find out more!
Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties—land, houses, mobile homes—in Florida or anywhere else in the U.S. for fun and profit! If a college dropout (me) can do it, so can you!
Revealed: How a college dropout bought a house for $2,000 and sold it for $20,000. Discover the exact steps he used to get this deal! Click the link below now!
Kris Kemp is a writer, copywriter, musician, traveler, creative entrepreneur and the author of 20+ ebooks. He specializes in copywriting for sales pages, landing pages, squeeze pages, and email marketing campaigns. He has a variety of interests that share the common theme of freedom–health freedom, time freedom, financial freedom, location/travel freedom.
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© Kris Kemp, 2020 & beyond